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Professional, Convenient, Compassionate Online Counseling

Professional Online Counseling

My Integrity Counseling offers online counseling to residents of Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, and Wyoming. Our team is experienced and compassionate, and we offer professional behavioral health services for adolescents, adults, individuals, couples, and families. We work with our patients to help them afford our services because we believe everyone deserves the help our counselors can provide. We want to create a safe place for each of our clients to speak freely because we understand that is how progress is made. Online mental health services create opportunities that in-person counseling can’t, providing flexible scheduling, affordable services, and true privacy. Contact our therapists today to get started.

Online Counseling

Schedule your first appointment with Integrity Counseling LLC.

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Therapy Focus

We treat a wide range of conditions, like depression, anxiety, grief, and couples therapy.

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Getting Started

We have a sliding scale for payment and accept major insurance carriers.

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Meet Our Team

Our team provides counseling to individuals, couples, and families.

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Video counselling

We Strive to Improve Your Life One Session at a Time

At My Integrity Counseling, we strive to improve our clients’ lives by listening actively and offering wisdom. We deal specifically with past traumas and how they impact our clients’ lives. If you want to begin a journey toward improved mental health and a balanced lifestyle, we are here to help. Online counseling offers numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, flexible scheduling, no travel time or gas, convenience, and confidentiality.

Video counselling

We Offer a Wide Range of Therapies

We offer a wide range of therapeutic services, including individuals, adolescents, and families. Our counselors are skilled at treating anxiety-related disorders and assessing the impacts of past traumas. We can treat online addictions, including pornography, sexting, gambling, and more. We also offer grief support and treatment for depression. For couples who are beginning the next chapter of their lives, we offer pre-marital counseling, as well as couples counseling.


Get Started On Your Journey Toward Better Mental Health Today

We encourage you to contact our counselors today. Our practice offers support to patients of all kinds, including adolescents, families, couples, and clergy. No matter what traumas or mental health illnesses are in your past or present, hope is not lost. Our compassionate team is skilled at helping clients deal with life’s curve balls and move toward health and balance.